© 2024 Infinite Muse Arts | Jeffrey Weese. All Rights Reserved.
All artwork, images, and associated content created by Jeffrey Weese and Infinite Muse Arts are the exclusive property of the artist. They are protected under Canadian and international copyright laws.
Usage Restrictions
No part of this artwork or associated content may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published, or broadcast in any form or by any means—including photocopying, recording, electronic, or mechanical methods—without prior written permission from the artist.
Permitted Use
Viewing and sharing links to this artwork for personal, non-commercial purposes is permitted. Any other use requires prior written consent from the artist.
Metadata Inclusion
This copyright notice is included in the metadata of the artwork. By accessing or using the artwork, you agree to abide by the terms outlined in this notice.
Legal Notice
Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of the artwork or content is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action under applicable laws.
Contact Information
For permission requests or inquiries, please contact:
Email: infinitemusearts@gmail.com